Mummy Races

Mummy Races is a game that involves wrapping up team members and then having a race – toilet paper everywhere but fun!

Age Range
Number of Participants
10-15 minutes

Quick overview

Wrapping up team members and then having a race – toilet paper everywhere but fun!

Supplies you’ll need

  1. Toilet paper – lots of it!


Evenly divide your supply of toilet paper among the number of groups you have.

Game play

Start by explaining that each team needs to select a member of their team to become a living mummy. Set them to work wrapping up their teammate, making sure legs are together and arms are apart (important health and safety for later!); they may have some eye holes but everything else must be covered, including shoes and hair.

Once completed, get the teams to move their mummy to the start line (use a line of spare toilet paper to start this). Then explain that each mummy has to hop as quickly as possible to the finish line on the opposite side of the room – use another line of toilet paper to mark this. Get the teams to cheer on their mummy. The first to finish wins.